Aye aye captain! No treasure map needed, there be gold everywhere.

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Great work!

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Thanks for the great content Category Pirates. I'm a new sub and am going to read everything! Is there a suggested order, the way you'd need to watch Marvel movies in weird sequence to make them sequential, or just start at what you put out from Jan 2021 and work my way up?

Thanks in advance

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Hey Ray! Welcome aboard the pirate ship! Nope, no specific order. Just pour yourself some rum and wander the ship. ARRRRRR!!!!!!

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Yet I’d never heard of Smile before reading this and I just went to the movie theater two days ago and I love horror movies. Guess they didn’t hit any of my channels with their creepy people 🤷🏼‍♀️.

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That is a great example.

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Love this post. Do you think this strategy can work in a B2B environment?

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Of course! For example: Salesforce created Dreamforce to act as a yearly lightning strike event.

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