"These are the people who are completely unconcerned with what you’ve done, and entirely focused on where you’re going. They’re betting on your long-term potential. And certainly not just economically, but intellectually, psychically, and emotionally. They want to go with you on the journey. They want to be part of what you create and discover. And they derive significant joy from encouraging you along the way."

That is some serious inspiration and causing me some serious introspection. I can't say I've got a lot Growth Investors in my corner. I play that role for others, but damn....

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It can be tough to find them! But if you're one for others, you know what it looks like — and what kind of person to look for. And know, we're here to support you and ARRRR you on.

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This is superb! Sometimes I think (too many times) I get in my own way and I settle for something that has been defined by the past rather than true potential. I think most valuations limit our vision(s) and potential because we let others (like recruiters and talent advisors) sniff out our past to help define us.

I don't like rules. Rules are always meant to be broken; and in a traditional sense, they govern how we always choose to settle instead of grow. I need to surround myself with more Pirates.

Thank you!

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Thanks for being a Pirate. ARRRRRRR!!!!!!!

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How to go about attracting growth investors?

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I like the idea of applying category creation to career and personal life design. When I work with clients on career transition it's about "who are you, what do you do naturally (and uniquely), and how do we help you monetize that? Personal category creation is a perfect way of looking at this. Been test-driving the concept with clients (and crediting you guys). It's working really well.

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Hey hey hey - great to read this letter and see more of brilliant thinking on the topic of a new way of living and working. F*ck the rules, and what society says "success" looks like. This is h time to change how we view success, and what we value. You pirates are welcome anytime in the Unhustle Movement - we need to do a podcast soon with you!

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Incredible article- really make me think about my motivations and who I surround myself with. I personally think pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is part of success. When you are terrified to do something instead of feeling comfortable - then that's the direction to go. Thrilled to be able to learn from some of the best pirates in the world!

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Thank you for this Christopher Lochhead, Eddie Yoon, and Nicolas Cole. As someone who went solo about a year ago, this resonates with me deeply. I have a couple of auctioneers and one super consumer so far. And you are right about not wanting the level of personal freedom. It can be daunting and scary. But what I did was I worked myself up to this point to "earn" my freedom. Gave myself runaway so that the people I support won't be let down when I go solo. I planned it for a couple of years and then went solo.

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